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Key-note speaker Associate professor Antton Alberdi

Join Antton Alberdi, Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen, as he unveils groundbreaking research into the relationships between animals and their gut microorganisms. Discover global studies, innovative experiments, and cutting-edge techniques that reveal the intricate connections shaping life.

  • 07.04.2025 Kl. 00:00 - 08.04.2025 Kl. 00:01

  • English

  • On location

07.04.2025 Kl. 00:00 - 08.04.2025 Kl. 00:0107.04.2025 Kl. 00:00 - 08.04.2025 Kl. 00:01


On location


Key-note speaker Associate professor Antton Alberdi

Join Antton Alberdi, Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen, as he unveils groundbreaking research into the relationships between animals and their gut microorganisms. Discover global studies, innovative experiments, and cutting-edge techniques that reveal the intricate connections shaping life.

  • 07.04.2025 Kl. 00:00 - 08.04.2025 Kl. 00:01

  • English

  • On location

07.04.2025 Kl. 00:00 - 08.04.2025 Kl. 00:0107.04.2025 Kl. 00:00 - 08.04.2025 Kl. 00:01


On location

Title: A Cross-Disciplinary Exploration of Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics Between Vertebrates and Their Gut Microbiomes


Antton Alberdi is an associate professor at the University of Copenhagen, where he heads an interdisciplinary research team focused on exploring animal-microbiota interactions within ecological, evolutionary, and applied frameworks. Their investigations employ a diverse set of advanced techniques, such as multi-omics analysis, laser microdissection, and gut-on-a-chip models. Antton serves as the coordinator for the H2020 RIA project 3D'omics, and he is the founder of the Earth Hologenome Initiative.

Talk content

Antton will introduce their interdisciplinary work to disentangle ecological and evolutionary interactions between vertebrates and their gut microorganisms, including global observational analyses of +200 vertebrates through the Earth Hologenome Initiative, animal experimentation projects aimed at establishing causal relationships between microbiota variation and animal phenotypes and fitness, as well as gut-on-a-chip and micro-scale spatial metagenomic approaches to understand the mechanistic processes wiring such interactions.