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Medical biotechnology

The Group of Medical Microbiology at Aalborg University encompasses researchers from Department of Chemistry and Bioscience and Department of Health Technology.

Medical biotechnology

The Group of Medical Microbiology at Aalborg University encompasses researchers from Department of Chemistry and Bioscience and Department of Health Technology.

Important focus points

  • Development and implementation of methods for fast and reliable diagnosis at infections, related to sepsis and implants on various medical devices
  • To understand better factors of importance for bacterial adhesion, biofilm formation and pathogenesis

The researchers work primarily on aspects of identification of potential pathogens by culture-independent molecular methods, genomics and transcriptomics of selected biofilm-forming pathogens, and structure and function of amyloidic fibrils of importance for adhesion.

The research is taking place in close collaboration with a number of hospitals (e.g. Rigshospitalet, Bispebjerg, Farsø, Hjørring, Frederikshavn, Aalborg), Universities (Århus, Copenhagen) and Danish Technological Institute (Århus). It is funded by ABT foundation, Lundbeck foundation, Danish Research Councils (VTU) and Aalborg University.


Trine Rolighed Thomsen 
The Danish Technological Institute (DTI)
Chemistry and Water Technology
Kongsvang Allé 29
DK-8000 Århus C
E-mail: Trine.Rolighed.Thomsen@teknologisk.dk 

Section of Bioscience and Engineering
Department of Chemistry and Bioscience
Aalborg University
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7H
DK-9220 Aalborg
Tel.: (45) 7220 1828
E-mail: trt@bio.aau.dk 