The new knowledge will provide improved solutions for biogas plant designs, for process stability and for enhanced methane production from manure with high litter content, wastewater sludge and food waste, all treated with innovative pre-treatment technologies. The results are beneficial for the Danish biogas and biotechnology industry and the Danish society for production of sustainable energy.
The NomiGas project is funded by The Danish Council for Strategic Research together with companies and universities in the period from 2014-2017.
The nomigas project is divided into four research areas:
- Digester survey and microbial community structure
- Novel microbiology platform
- Optimization of methane production from animal manure
- Optimization of methane production from sludge from wastewater treatment plants
Project leader: Professor Per Halkjær Nielsen
Center for Microbial Communities, Section of Biotechnology, Aalborg University
Tel.: (45) 9940 8503 / Mobile: (45) 2173 5089
Scientific Coordinator: Associate Professor Morten Kam Dahl Dueholm
Center for Microbial Communities, Section of Biotechnology, Aalborg University
Tel.: (45) 9940 3573 / Mobile: (45) 2162 7116
The partners of the NomiGas project will participate in the different research areas during the project period. Below you will find a list with the contact details of the partners involved in the NomiGas project:
Aalborg University
- Per Halkjær Nielsen,
- Jeppe Lund Nielsen,
Aarhus University
- Henrik Bjarne Møller,
Danish Technological Institute
- Caroline Kragelund Rickers,
Billund Vand
- Mads Munk-Poulsen,
Krüger A/S
- Vibeke Borregaard,
Maabjerg Bioenergy
- Alan Lunde,
Primozone Production AB
- Filip Nilsson
Lund University
- Jes la Cour Jansen
The Helmholtz centre for environmental research
- Martin von Bergen
University of Vienna
- Michael Wagner
The University of Queensland
- Damien Batstone
- Per Halkjær Nielsen, Professor, Section of Biotechnology,
- Jeppe Lund Nielsen, Professor, Section of Biotechnology,
- Morten Simonsen Dueholm, Associate Professor, Section of Biotechnology,
- Simon McIlroy, Post.doc., Section of Biotechnology,
- Mads Albertsen, Post.doc., Section of Biotechnology,
- Rasmus Kirkegaard, PhD Fellow, Section of Biotechnology,
- Chenjing Jiang, PhD Fellow, Section of Biotechnology,
- Nadieh de Jonge, PhD Fellow, Section of Biotechnology,
- Liping Hao, Post.doc., Section of Biotechnology,
- Eustace Yrosh Fernando Warnakulasuriya, Post.doc., Section of Biotechnology,
- Giulia Dottorini, Erasmus Trainee, Section of Biotechnology,
- Martin Hjorth Andersen, PhD Fellow, Section of Biotechnology,
- Henrik Bjarne Møller, Senior Researcher, Department of Engineering,
- Lars Ditlev Mørck Ottesen, Head of Section, Department of Engineering,
- Alastair James Ward, Post.doc., Department of Engineering,
- Veronica Hernandez Moset, Post.doc., Department of Engineering,
- Maja Nielsen, PhD Fellow, Department of Engineering,
- Radziah Wahid, PhD Fellow, Department of Engineering,
- Lu Feng, PhD fellow, Department of Engineering,
- Åsa Davidsson, Research Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering,
- Caroline Kragelund Rickers, Senior consultant,,
- Bjørn Malmgren-Hansen, Senior consultant,,
- Christian Holst Fischer, Consultant,,
- Vibeke Borregaard, Vice head of department,
- Aviaja A. Hansen, Process Engineer,
- Mette Dam Jensen, Process Engineer,
- Bente Nielsen, Process Engineer,
- Anna Katrine Vangsgaard, Krüger, Process Engineer,
- My Carlsson,
- Lars Erik Olsson,
- Alan Lunde, Agronomist,
- Mads Munk-Poulsen, Project manager,
- Filip Nilsson, Project manager,
- Anitha K. Sharma, Scientific Officer,
- Martin von Bergen, Professor, Department of Proteomics, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig ,Germany
- Michael Wagner, Professor, Department of Microbial Ecology, University of Vienna, Austria
- Damien Batstone, Professor, the Advanced Water Management Center (AWMC), The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
In the below list you will find the members of the NomiGas steering committee, who are responsible for coordinating the different work packages and partner contributions.
- Per Halkjær Nielsen (Principal Investigator), Section for Biotechnology, AAU
- Jeppe Lund Nielsen, Section for Biotechnology, AAU
- Morten Simonsen Dueholm (Scientific coordinator), Section for Biotechnology, AAU
- Henrik Bjarne Møller, Department of Engineering, AU
- Åsa Davidsson, Department of Chemical Engineering, LU
- Caroline Kragelund Rickers, Center for Chemistry and Water Technology, DTI
- Aviaja A. Hansen, Krüger
- Alan Lunde, Maabjerg BioEnergy
- Mads Munk-Poulsen, Billund Vand A/S
- Filip Nilsson, Primozone
Research information
- Albertsen M, Karst SM, Ziegler AS, Kirkegaard RH and Nielsen PH (2015): Back to basics – the influence of DNA extraction and primer choice on phylogenetic analysis in activated sludge communities. PLoSONE 10(7): e0132783. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132783.
de Almeida Neves Xavier, Cristiane; Hernandez, Veronica Moset; Wahid, Radziah; Møller, Henrik - Bjarne. (2015) The efficiency of shredded and briquetted wheat straw in anaerobic co-digestion with dairy cattle manure. Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 139, s. 16-24.
- Arriaga, S., de Jonge, N., Nielsen, M.L., Andersen, H., Borregaard, V., Jewel, K., Ternes, T., Nielsen, J.L. (2016). Evaluation of a membrane bioreactor system as post-treatment waste water treatment for better removal of micropollutants. Water Research 107: 37-46.
- Bahrndorff, S., Alemu, T., Alemneh, T., and Nielsen, J.L. The microbiome of animals – implications for conservation biology. International Journal of Genomics, in press.
- Bernstad, A., la Cour Jansen, J. (2012) Review of comparative LCAs of food waste management systems – current status and potential improvements. Waste Management, 32(12); 2439-2455.
- Bernstad, A., la Cour Jansen, J. (2012) Separate collection of household food waste for anaerobic degradation – comparison of different techniques from a systems perspective. Waste Management, 32(5); 807-816.
- Bernstad, A., Malmqvist, L., Truedsson, C., la Cour Jansen, J. (2013) Need for improvements in physical pre-treatment of source-separated household food waste. Waste Management 33; 746-754.
- Chen, X., Vollertsen, J., Nielsen, J.L., Gieraltowska, A., and Bester, K. Degradation of PPCPs in activated sludge from different WWTPs in Denmark. Ecotoxicology 24(19):2073-2080.
- Chen, X., Casas, M.E., Nielsen, J.L., Wimmer, R., and Bester, K. (2015). Identification of Triclosan-O-Sulfate and other transformation products of Triclosan formed by activated sludge. Science of the Total Environment 505: 39-46.
- Davidsson, Å., Eriksson, E., Fick, J. (2013) Ozonation and Thermal Pre-treatment of Municipal Sewage Sludge – implications for Toxicity and Methane Potential. Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, 10(2); 95-101.
- Davidsson, Å., Kjerstadius, H., Haghighatafshar, S., Fick, J., Olsson, M., Wachtmeister, H., Eriksson, E., la Cour Jansen, J. (2014) Effect of anaerobic digestion at 35, 55 and 60 ºC on pharmaceuticals and organic contaminants. Water Science and Technology, 69(6); 1282-1288.
- Dueholm, MS, P Larsen, K Finster, MR Stenvang, G Christiansen, BS Vad, A Bøggild, DE Otzen, PH Nielsen (2015): The tubular sheaths encasing Methanosaeta thermophila are functional amyloids. J. Biol. Chem. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M115.654780.
- Dueholm M.S. and P.H. Nielsen (2016): Amyloids - A neglected child of the slime. Chapter in “The Perfect Slime: Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS)”, Eds: H.-C.
- Flemming, T.R. Neu and J. Wingender. ISBN: 9781780407418, IWA Publishing, London, UK.
Dueholm, M.S., Marques, I.G., Karst, S.M., - D'Imperio, S., Tale, V.P., Lewis, D., Nielsen, P.H., and Nielsen, J.L. (2015). Survival and activity of individual bioaugmentation strains. Bioresource Technology, 186: 192-199.
- Feng, Lu, et al. "Removal of antibiotics during the anaerobic digestion of pig manure." Science of The Total Environment 603 (2017): 219-225.
- Feng, Lu, et al. "Anaerobic co-digestion of cattle manure and meadow grass: Effect of serial configurations of continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTRs)." Biosystems Engineering 160 (2017): 1-11.
- Feng L, Moset V, Li W, et al. In-situ injection of potassium hydroxide into briquetted wheat straw and meadow grass–Effect on biomethane production[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 239: 258-265.
- Gough, H.L., and Nielsen, J.L. Bioaugmentation, In Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols, McGenity, Timmis, Nogales Fernández (Eds.) Springer Journals. In press.
- Gunnigle, E., Nielsen, J.L., Fuszard, M., Botting, C.H., O’Flaherty, V., and Abram, F. (2015). Functional responses and adaptation of mesophilic microbial communities to psychrophilic anaerobic digestion. FEMS Microbial Ecology 91:fiw132.
- Haghighatafshar, S., Kjerstadius, H., la Cour Jansen, J., Davidsson, Å. (2012) Management of hydrogen sulfide in anaerobic digestion of enzyme pretreated marine macro-algae, The Journal of Water Management and Research (VATTEN), 68; 265-274.
- Haghighatafshar, S., Ossiansson, E., Koch, K., Kjerstadius, H., la Cour Jansen, J., Davidsson, Å. (2014) Modeling of anaerobic digestion with focus on estimation of hydrolysis constants at 35, 55, and 60°C. Water Environment Research (online).
- Herbst, F-H., V. Lünsmann, H. Kjeldal, N. Jehmlich, A. Tholey, M. von Bergen, J.L. Nielsen, R.L. Hettich, J. Seifert, P.H. Nielsen (2016): Enhancing metaproteomics - The value of models and defined environmental microbial systems. Proteomics 16: 783-798. DOI:10.1002/pmic.201500305.
- Hernandez, Veronica Moset; Xavier, Cristiane de Almeida Neves; Møller, Henrik Bjarne. (2015) Optimization of methane yield by using straw briquettes- influence of additives and mold size. Industrial Crops and Products, Vol. 74, s. 925-932.
- Hernandez, Veronica Moset; Ottosen, Lars Ditlev Mørck; de Almeida Neves Xavier, Cristiane; Møller, Henrik Bjarne. (2016) Anaerobic digestion of sulfate-acidified cattle slurry: One-stage vs. two-stage. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 173, s. 127-133.
- Hernandez, Veronica Moset; Poulsen, Morten; Wahid, Radziah; Højberg, Ole; Møller, Henrik Bjarne. (2015) Mesophilic versus thermophilic anaerobic digestion of cattle manure: Methane productivity and microbial ecology. Microbial Biotechnology, Vol. 8, 5, s. 787–800.
- Hernandez, Veronica Moset; Al-Zohairi, Nawras Awayed Rahma; Møller, Henrik Bjarne. (2015) The impact of inoculum source, inoculum to substrate ratio and sample preservation on methane potential from different substrates. Biomass & Bioenergy, Vol. 83, s. 474-482.
- Karst, S.M, M. Albertsen, R.H. Kirkegaard, M.S. Dueholm, P. H. Nielsen (2016): Molecular Methods. Chapter 8 (p. 285-323) in “Experimental Methods In Wastewater Treatment” edited by M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, P.H. Nielsen, C.M. Lopez-Vazquez and D. Brdjanovic. ISBN: 9781780404745 (Hardback), ISBN: 9781780404752 (eBook). Published by IWA Publishing, London, UK.
- Kindaichi, T., Yamaoka, S., Uehara, R., Ozaki, N., Ohashi, A., Albertsen, M., Nielsen, P.H., and Nielsen, J.L. (2016). Microbial Community Structure and Ecophysiology of Candidate Phylum Saccharibacteria in Activated Sludge. FEMS Microbial Ecology 92: fiw078.
- Kirkegaard, R.H., M.S. Dueholm, S.J. McIlroy, M. Nierychlo, S.M. Karst, M. Albertsen, and P.H. Nielsen (2016): Genomic insights into members of the candidate phylum Hyd24-12 common in mesophilic anaerobic digesters. ISME Journal; DOI:10.1038/ismej.2016.14
- Kjeldal, H., Zhou, N., Wissenbach, D.K., von Bergen, M., Gough, H., and Nielsen, J.L. (2016). Genomic, proteomic and metabolite characterization of gemfibrozil-degrading organism Bacillus sp. GeD10. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(2): 744-755.
- Kjeldal, H., Pell, L., Pommerening-Röser, A., and Nielsen, J.L. (2014). Influence of p-cresol on the proteome of the autotrophic nitrifying bacterium Nitrosomonas eutropha C91. Archives of Microbiology. 196 (7): 497-511.
- Kjerstadius, H., la Cour Jansen, J., De Vrieze, J., Haghighatafshar, S., Davidsson, Å. (2013) Hygienization of sludge through anaerobic digestion at 35, 55 and 60 ºC. Water Science and Technology, 68(10); 2234-2239.
- Laureni, M., Falås, P., Robin, O., Wick, A., Weissbrodt, D.G., Nielsen, J.L., Ternes, T., Morgenroth, E., and Joss, A. Mainstream partial nitritation/anammox: long-term process stability and overall effluent quality at low temperatures. Water Research 101: 628-639.
- Laureni, M., Weissbrodt, D.G., Szivák, I., Robin, O., Nielsen, J.L., Morgenroth, E., and Joss, A. (2015). Activity and growth of anammox sludge on aerobically pre-treated municipal wastewater. Water Research 80:325-336.
- van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., P.H. Nielsen, C.M. Lopez-Vazquez and D. Brdjanovic. (2016): “Experimental Methods in Wastewater Treatment”. Editors. ISBN: 9781780404745 (Hardback), ISBN: 9781780404752 (eBook). Published by IWA Publishing, London, UK. 2016.
- McIlroy SJ, Saunders AM, Albertsen M, Nierychlo M, McIlroy B, Hansen AA, Karst SM, Nielsen JL, Nielsen PH (2015): MiDAS: the field guide to the microbes of activated sludge. Database bav062. doi: 10.1093/database/bav062.
- McIlroy, S.J., Szyszka, A., Starnawski, P., Saunders, A.M., Nierychlo, M., Nielsen, P.H., and Nielsen, J.L. (2016). Identification of active denitrifiers in full-scale nutrient removal wastewater treatment systems. Environmental Microbiology, 18(1):50-64.
- Mosbæk, F., Kjeldal, H., Mulat, D., Albertsen, M., Ward, A., Feilberg, A., and Nielsen, J.L. Identification of syntrophic acetate-oxidizing bacteria in anaerobic digesters by combined protein-based stable isotope probing and metagenomics. ISME Journal 10(10): 2405-2418.
- Nielsen, J.L., J.R. Seviour, P.H. Nielsen (2016): Microscopy. Chapter 7 (p. 263-284) in “Experimental Methods In Wastewater Treatment” edited by M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, P.H. Nielsen,
- C.M. Lopez-Vazquez and D. Brdjanovic. ISBN: 9781780404745 (Hardback), ISBN: 9781780404752 (eBook). Published by IWA Publishing, London, UK.
- Nierychlo, M, JL Nielsen and PH Nielsen (2015): Studies of the ecophysiology of single cells in microbial communities by (quantitative) Microautoradiography and Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (MAR-FISH). In T.J. McGenity et al. (eds.), Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols, Springer Protocols Handbooks, DOI 10.1007/8623_2015_66, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Nousiainen, A.O., Björklöf, K., Sagarkar, S., Nielsen, J.L., Kapley, A., and Jørgensen, K.S. (2015). Bioremediation strategies for atrazine removal in the boreal groundwater zone. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99:10249-10259.
- Poulsen, A-S. R., de Jonge, N., Sugiharto, S., Nielsen, J.L., Lauridsen, C., Canibe, N. (2017). The microbial community of the gut differs between piglets fed sow milk, milk replacer or bovine colostrum. British Journal of Nutrition, in press.
- Sarker, Shiplu; Møller, Henrik Bjarne. (2014) Regulating feeding and increasing methane yield from co-digestion of C5 molasses and cattle manure. Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 84, s. 7-12.
- Sutaryo, Sutaryo; Ward, Alastair James; Møller, Henrik Bjarne. (2014) The effect of mixed-enzyme addition in anaerobic digestion on methane yield of dairy cattle manure. Environmental Technology, Vol. 35, Nr. 19, s. 2476-2482.
- Vrieze, JD, AM Saunders, Y He, J Fang, PH Nielsen, W Verstraete, N Boon (2015): Ammonia and temperature determine potential clustering in the anaerobic digestion microbiome. Wat. Res. 75: 312-323.
- Wahid, Radziah; Hjorth, Maibritt; Kristensen, Simon; Møller, Henrik Bjarne. (2015) Extrusion as pretreatment for boosting methane production: Effect of screw configurations. Energy & Fuels, Vol. 29, 7, s. 4030-4037.
- Wahid, Radziah; Ward, Alastair James; Møller, Henrik Bjarne; Søegaard, Karen; Eriksen, Jørgen. (2015) Biogas potential from forbs and grass-clover mixture with the application of near infrared spectroscopy. Bioresource Technology, Vol. 198, s. 124-132.
- Urakawa, H., Garcia, J.C., Nielsen, J.L., Le, V.Q., Kozlowski, J.A., Stein, L.Y., Lim, C.K., Pommerening-Röser, A., Martens-Habbena, W.,
- Stahl, D.A., Klotz, M.G. (2015). Nitrosospira lacus sp. nov., a psychrotolerant ammonia-oxidizing bacterium from sandy lake sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65:242-250.
- Zhou, N., Kjeldal, H., Gough, H.L., and Nielsen, J.L. (2015). Identification of putative genes involved in bisphenol A degradation using differential protein abundance analysis of Sphingobium sp. BiD32. Environmental Science & Technology 49(20):12232-41.
- Zielińska, M., Rusanowska, P., Jarząbek, J., and Nielsen, J.L. (2016). Community dynamics of denitrifying bacteria in full-scale wastewater treatment plants. Environmental Technology, 18: 2358-2367.
- Møller, Henrik Bjarne; Møller Hansen, Mogens. (2014) Briketter af halm og tørt græs kan fordoble gasproduktionen. Forskning i Bioenergi, Brint & Brændselsceller, Vol. 47, s. 3-5.
- Nielsen P.H., Albertsen M., Karst S., Kirkegaard R., Nierychlo M. (2014). Ny DNA-metode til analyse af bakterier giver helt nye muligheder. Spildevandsteknisk Tidsskrift 42(5): 37-39.
- Nielsen P.H., Albertsen M., Karst S., Kirkegaard R., Nierychlo M. (2014). Kom slamprøver i fryseren. Spildevandsteknisk Tidsskrift 42(5): 40.
- Nielsen P.H. et al., (2016): Ny viden om mikroberne i rådnetanke. Spildevandsteknisk Tidsskrift “Spildevand” 5(16): 6.
- Reitzel, K., P.H. Nielsen, M.L. Christensen, H. Qu, R. Wimmer, M. Nierychlo, C. Jørgensen, U.G Nielsen (2015): ReCoverP – genvinding af fosfor fra spildevandsslam. Dansk Kemi 96(6/7): 25-27.
- Reitzel, K., P.H. Nielsen, L.B. Staahl, M. Nierychlo, U.G Nielsen C. Jørgensen (2016): Ny metode til måling af polyfosfat i spildevandsslam. Dansk Kemi 97(6/7): 24-27.