Institut for Kemi og Biovidenskab
Applied Supramolecular Chemistry

Institut for Kemi og Biovidenskab
Applied Supramolecular Chemistry

Supramolecular Chemistry deals with the understanding of molecular interactions, the complex interplay between molecules and the knowledge based exploitation of such an understanding with the motivation that it will be possible to rationally design and/or select specific solutions to specific problems. By combining basic research into the nature of molecular interactions with applied research across a broad field, we strive to exploit this increased understanding of molecular interplay to address key societal challenges. Our key application areas include polymer-based photovoltaics, diagnostics, drug delivery and cholesterol disorders.
Bridging the basic understanding of molecular interactions and behavior to overcome societal challenges within energy production and disease prevention and treatment through basic research and collaboration with industry.
Lektor Casper Steinmann
Tlf: +45 9940 8488
See Applied Supramolecular Chemistry