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Functional Amorphous Materials

Functional Amorphous Materials

Functional Amorphous Materials

Functional Amorphous Materials

This research group conducts original research in the field of functional amorphous materials and glass science. We put high value on interdisciplinary research, in particular, on the bridging between glass physics and chemistry. We explore the nature of amorphous materials including glass, gel and other disordered systems. We develop advanced amorphous materials for high efficiency batteries, photocatalysts, membrane, cement and heat insulation. We contribute to innovation of glass and glass fiber technologies. The group’s research interests are in the following fields:

  • Glass transition and relaxation
  • Glass fiber technology
  • Cementious materials
  • Insulation materials
  • Metal-organic framework glasses
  • Glassy battery materials
  • Amorphous membrane

Visit the external website of Functional Amorphous Materials.


Prof. Yuanzheng Yue 
E-mail: yy@bio.aau.dk 
Tlf: +45 9940 8522 / +45 3053 2430 / +45 9635 0558