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ForsideForskningSektionerChemical and Bioengineering

Chemical Engineering

Chemical and Energy Systems Engineering

Chemical and Energy Systems Engineering focuses on the design and optimization of sustainable chemical processes and energy systems.

Chemical Engineering

Chemical and Energy Systems Engineering

Chemical and Energy Systems Engineering focuses on the design and optimization of sustainable chemical processes and energy systems.

Chemical and Energy Systems Engineering (CESE) Group focuses on the design and optimization of sustainable chemical processes and energy systems. The research strategy of CESE group combines process simulation, process design, process optimization and process analysis. We utilize multiple simulation and modeling tools integrated with AI and optimization techniques to develop sustainable, profitable and flexible chemical processes and energy systems. We aim at developing process systems engineering methodologies that can deal with holistic system level of integration of chemical processes and energy systems.  The potential applications can be Energy Conversion Systems (thermal power plant, heat pump, refrigeration process, etc.), Power-to-X, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS), biomass utilization and so on.  The ultimate goal of our research is to utilize materials and energy efficiently and economically during the transition into a sustainable future.


Assoc. prof. Haoshui Yu
E-mail: hayu@bio.aau.dk