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Environmental Change and Adaptation

Population and conservation genetics

Environmental Change and Adaptation

Population and conservation genetics

Within conservation biology, we study management of biodiversity with the aim of protecting species, their habitats, and ecosystems from excessive rates of extinction and the erosion of biotic interactions. We have a strong focus on the importance of genetics in maintaining viably populations, and study a range of bird, mammal and insect species e.g. using modern sequencing technologies.

We are especially interested in detecting adaptive genetic variation and in understanding the importance of interactions between genotype and environment on fitness components. Genetic rescue is another field of interest where we try to use genetic knowledge to guide management decisions in threatened populations. Part of this work also involved understanding the genetic architecture of complex traits governed by the combined effect of many genes and the environment. This includes studying life history and stress tolerance traits and traits relevant for human diseases


Professor Torsten Nygård Kristensen
E-mail: tnk@bio.aau.dk  
Tlf: +45 9940 3614, +45 6146 3375